Accelerate and simplify the IoT world.

Our mission is to accelerate and simplify the IoT world via hardware and software products. By creating user-friendly interfaces and consistent solutions, will be easier to travel through complex IoT ecosystems.

Our vision

Our vision of the IoT world is a vision of a user-friendly set of devices that communicate in a consistent manner, where configuration, commissioning and adding new devices to the existing configuration is a pleasure and the time from unpacking to performing the intended activity is minimized.

Easy and simple

Building an advanced intelligent system does not have to be an expert job. On the other hand, you do not have to be stuck with using your chosen and sole provider. Enter the world of assembling the ecosystem from different bricks and do not be condemned to one supplier.


Buy devices from different vendors

When choosing an automation system or an intelligent assistance system, we often face a very complicated choice from many suppliers. The mission of Gatler System is to simplify this process and make the user be able to use many different suppliers of individual drivers.

Use our Master Gate as a hub

Our "Master" gateway is a small but clever device based on a reliable and battle-tested Linux operating system. Through various hardware interfaces, it is able to connect with various actuators from different vendors.

Use our friendly mobile app 

Creating a friendly and customizable app is an art. Having above-average experience, we have done a lot of work to create applications that are simple on the one hand, and configurable on the other. Simplicity is achieved by a set of pre-defined interfaces available right from the start. Full configurability is ensured by the possibility of advanced editing on many levels.



ul. Szwedzka  52
30-315 Krakow Poland


KRS  0000509537
NIP   6762475934

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